Programming Environment

While I wait for parts to arrive, I am setting up the programming environment for the ESP8266 API.

I started by downloading the recommended virtual machine for VirtualBox.  I got it running and had to do some reconfiguring for my linux system.  It was configured for running under Windows.  I want one folder that will be shared between my main system and the virtual machine.  I ran into several issues getting this to work, but it is finally working. I think most of my problems came from my poor understanding of VirtualBox.

I did have one issue where the VirtualBoxAdditions did not install where it was expected.  I found it under /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.3.10/ using the locate utility in linux. I was specifically having trouble using the mount.vboxsf utility.

I found a “getting started” guide on Espressif’s bbs website here.  It was mostly correct but had a few missing details, I will probably understand those details as I start digging into the API.

I want Eclipse as my software development environment.  In the Lubuntu software center, the latest version of Eclipse available is 3.8. This is a little old but should be good for my development process. I tried getting a newer version but it wouldn’t install.

After I got Eclipse installed, I tried to program a NodeMCU devkit V0.9 and it failed and now I can’t get it to update at all.  I received the PCBs from OSH Park today as well as the parts to build up a system, so I am going to set aside the devkit and start building the minimum on the PCB I designed.  That should be the ESP-12E, the USB serial bridge, USB connector, and Voltage regulator plus a few passive components. My programming environment is configured but not tested.


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