The level shifter came in this week.
Populating the board:
I installed parts out of my kit in the order that I grabbed them, until I had enough to do the basic test. The board powered up and the blue LED on the ESP-12F blinked once. Unfortunately the board wouldn’t program.
I started probing with my Oscilloscope. The serial data lines looked normal when I tried to program the board. Then I looked at Reset and GPIO0 lines and found that GPIO0 was oscillating at 24 MHz. The Reset line was working as I expected it to. I used a 1 MOhm resister as a pull down on GPIO15. I chose 1 MOhm to reduce the amount of current when A_Sel is High. I knew this could cause me trouble, GPIO15 is used to put the chip into SD card mode. That may be too much resistance. I changed that resistor to 10 KOhms to see if it made a difference. It did!
I uploaded the defaults, then my code. My simple serial menu came up in the terminal. With it working, I went on to populate the rest of the board. I came up short 2 components, the pin header I use for the lithium cell and Q2. I grabbed both of those from the last build and completed populating the board. I reconnected it to my computer, re-connected the serial terminal and the serial menu is still working.